HEALTHY HOG: 5 Reasons to Include Pork in a Balanced Diet

Fresh slices of pork While there has been a lot of bad press about processed pork recently, not every cut of pig is as unhealthy as bacon or sausage. In fact many choice cuts are just as healthy as chicken, if not more! Gain all the benefits of healthy meat, without sacrificing any flavour– add pork to your balanced, nutritious diet today. Read on for D’Arcy’s guide to pork’s health benefits.


Known as the building block of the body, protein helps rebuilds muscles and strengthens your cardiovascular system. Just one 100g serving of pork can contain up to half of your daily recommended protein intake.


Thiamin, niacin, B12 and B6 are just a few of the B-vitamins widely used in your body. Pork is higher in these vitamins than most other meat, making it a delicious and easy way to boost energy and metabolism.


Unlike beef, lamb or goat, pork contains no natural trans- or hydrogenated fats. When compared to chicken and other lean meats, pork is very comparable in fat and saturated fat content– often with a healthier ratio. Look for lean cuts with next to no processing or handling such as smoked or salted pork.


Fresh pork is naturally low in sodium, but again avoid any processed pork such as bacon or sausage. Low-sodium diets help avoid heart disease and hypertension.


Vital to new cell growth and your immune system, zinc is an overlooked mineral that many people are deficient in. Pork is a good source of zinc, which is especially important to pregnant women and growing children.


1. Tenderloin;
2. Chops and steaks;
3. Roasts;
4. Leg or lean ham;
5. Cutlets.

While many of us associate the sizzle of bacon with pork, we often overlook the healthier options in the butcher’s display. Ask your D’Arcy’s expert for tips and tricks for getting the most out of your lean cut of pork. Visit or contact us today!

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