JERKY TO SUCCESS: What’s the Story on Beef Jerky?

Beef jerky– we’ve all seen the processed stuff: cookie-cutter bits of greasy meat, hanging in a row of colourful plastic and foil at the gas station or convenience store. This version is not real beef jerky, it’s something of which our Albertan forefathers would be ashamed! D’Arcy’s only carries real jerky, handmade locally with high quality beef. Keep reading for our crash course in beef jerky, the king of snacks.


First, high quality cuts of Alberta beef are deboned and trimmed of fat to prepare them for curing. The meat is then seasoned with a signature mix of spices and dried at a precise temperature for an exact amount of time. Once cured to preferred tenderness and flavour, it is now “beef jerky” and ready to be packaged for consumption.


Almost all civilizations throughout history have some sort of cuisine or culture based around dried, preserved foodstuffs. Typically, what wouldn’t be eaten of the day’s hunt would be salted and dried for long-term storage. Dried or salt meats, like the predecessors to modern beef jerky, were essential for travel, drought or long winters.


Beef jerky should be enjoyed as a treat or light snack, but it is a surprisingly healthy one! Most jerky is very lean (low fat) and rich in protein, so it can be extremely filling and good for those avoiding high carbohydrate foods. High cholesterol and sodium levels in beef jerky should be kept in check with smaller portions.

That’s it– any questions? Contact or visit the beef jerky experts at D’Arcy’s Meat Market today! Our selection and knowledge of local products is second-to-none… and we love sharing it with our customers.

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